May 17, 2021

Already Given

Already Given

We tend a world of smoke and mirrors 

that hold us back from the real.

So tenaciously we attend to personas through which

we will never meet the true self.

What parades as culture is a torture,

keeping us from sleep, 

prodding us with tools of pain,

and unattainable ideals,

twisting our minds,

deceiving our bodies.

We are relentless in our chasing 

of the bells and the whistles,

our heart beats pounding,

faltering, breaking,

as we keep the wheels turning, 

grinding away at the soul,

the soul of the self,

the soul of the world,

the soul of the earth.


in pain,


All of us slaves in our way,

to a false and deceitful master.

Beneath it all the earth breathes, 

deep and slow.

She unfurls the dawn mist 

as the intricate design of a moth's wings,

flutter on my night dress, 

to the serenade of water 

falling through the sky,

collecting to slake our thirst 

and draw up life.

She gives her gifts for free

and they actually nourish, 

they are all we could ever need.

We must remember ourselves as her, 

we must let her be enough again.

We must come to remember anew 

the miracle that each of us are,

as we quake and tremble in our cells 

at this miracle called life,

thrumming, resplendent

in the mere mundanity of our existing.

What might it mean to be generous,

with our breath, 

our love,

our care, 

our pleasure, 

our embodied attendance,

our attuned listening. 

Just to breathe and to hold, 

to sing and to sustain,

to dance our barefooted rhythms 

on the sacred ground.

To listen at the threshold

of Earth's eternal chorus of becoming. 

To know ourselves inside

and to share that with each other. 


More, in fact,

than we could ever dream of wanting. 

As though it is the eyes through which we see

that must evolve and eclipse,

so that they are able to behold

what has already been given.

May we break from the trance.

May we grow the eyes to see Her.

May we tend the heartgarden that can know

what it is we truly are.

Already given.

Turn from the smoke screen and slow.

Rip the shackles and fall deep,

deep, deep down,

into the arms

of our true mother.

Words and Image  Copyright  2021

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