June 22, 2013


I long for your hunger
to reach in and take me,
awaken me to your heart,
like when you wake in the night
and like a lone traveler in the desert
or a voyager lost at sea
and with unmediated instinct,
you turn and reach out
and take me
as though I were a ripe piece of fruit,
fresh from the tree
and without a word you quench
your parched mouth
at the nape of my neck,
drawing forth the hidden meaning of me
and calling me home to you
as with the full breadth of your hands
you wrap the cusp of my haunches
and drink deeply of me
and I am taken so exquisitely beyond
my own resistance to your love.
In an instance you strip from me
the farce of my withholding
and in that moment I come to know myself
as the long cool drink of the universe.

Lucy Pierce © 2013

June 1, 2013

Spirit of Woman- Beheld


Spirit of  Woman
Oh spirit of life,
bold spirit of woman,
it is time now,
for me to fearlessly behold my own beauty
and to tremble in the tender fragrance
of my own robust and irrepressible blooming,
to be the presence that sees,
that knows, that bows to beauty.
No longer the tremulous aching for the other,
the parched and barren waiting to be beheld.
My roots tap the quick of the endless source,
my branches seek the eternity of all that dwells beyond,
my wings arch out forever
and I am love, whole and true.
No longer the waiting to be received,
I receive myself.
I open and behold this radiant shining,
my heart a fruitful bounty bursting forth
it’s juicy red seeds upon the opened Earth.
My womb an eternal well of all that is becoming.
I am upright and proud
I have the profound courage to walk in my beauty
because it is my birthright.
Who am I to think that I might lack
a decipherable language of love,
as though I were mute and blind in the darkness.
It is time to truly behold the woman
and to allow each quivering footstep
to truly land upon the ground of my being,
that the world and the Earth and the heavens
may receive me,
the fragrant and fierce
and fecund and proud
beauty that is woman.

Lucy Pierce © 2013