October 15, 2020

An Emissary of Love Between The Worlds

An Emissary of Love Between The Worlds
By Lucy Pierce

So strange to have completed this image without realising it is a day of remembrance for pregnancy loss and infant death. So many have braved the raw journey of having a babe come and then pass back to the other side again, before they could set foot upon the earth. I made this image for those families who have navigated this passage between the worlds, where life and death are held in the balance and sometimes we are asked to let go of the embodied love that has grown so tenderly within, rocking the world, to let go of what is most precious and yet only to be shared a short while. 

More and more I have a sense for the ways we are held so intricately and so lovingly by the unseen forces of the spaces beyond this known existence, as well as the human and other than human allies. Contact is made with astonishing care, not to diminish the pain of life, but to hold us while it tempers us, breaks us and makes us anew, holding us so we can feel the heartbreak or the tenuous hope and yet still take breath, still arise to face the dawn of what is yet to come. Ourselves born anew, made deep and holy by what we have loved and lost.